Inclusive Hiring



Enroll Your Campus


Leading With Clarity is OPEN for enrollment through June 12th! Availability is limited - don't wait to enroll.

And you don't need expensive search consultants to do it.

You can!

  • a replicable hiring process that 
  • simplifies your searches
  • strengthens your candidate pool, and helps you 
  • identify your terrific new colleague?

Do you wish you had... 

Let us show you how.

Inclusive Hiring Workshop

Welcome to the

Do It yourself:

Diversifying your workforce is key to your institutional strategy....

You know that increasing your diversity will help you attract and retain exceptional faculty and staff, which in turn lifts campus morale and improves students' experience.

...but you don't have the bandwidth to train everyone on a search committee.

With multiple searches running at once, it's impossible to train and support every committee.

That’s where we come in.

Our workshop improves the work of search committees, getting you to the diversity results you need.

We facilitate workshops for your campus - live or virtual. 

You keep the curriculum for future reference. 

We can also train the trainers, so your campus is prepared to take on the work in-house in the future.

Your campus trainers use our curriculum. 

We'll send you one digital copy of the full curriculum for your licensed use, including slides, facilitating guides, handouts, and customizable templates. 

You keep the curriculum and use it to train as many committees as you like.

Our curriculum is grounded in evidenced-based practices that are streamlined, simplified, and easy for you to implement. 

It includes customizable templates you can keep and adapt to your unique campus needs. 

We offer a tested workshop curriculum that has been taught and refined using searches for staff, faculty, and administrative leaders.

No matter which option you choose we'll work with your HR, DEI, and other experts and liaisons to ensure the curriculum aligns with your campus goals and strategies. 




The only leadership course designed specifically to teach women leaders in higher ed how to connect the dots between what they value, how they plan, and how they lead their teams. 

Women Leading With Clarity

Leadership Courses & Workshops

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After this training, search committees can...


Structure searches for inclusion

instead of considering it an add-on after the fact


recognize and Mitigate bias

instead of wondering how to speak up when bias appears


Write inclusive job profiles

understanding how language can unintentionally decrease the diversity of the  application pool


Host Inclusive interviews

by understanding how to ask useful, relevant, and legal questions  


Onboard new colleagues

because onboarding is the essential bridge between hiring and retaining your terrific new colleague

More than anything else …

The Inclusive Hiring workshop gives your campus the tools it needs to run supported and sensible searches that are streamlined, effective, and grounded in inclusion.

But don't just take my word for it.

Enroll Now

But Above All Else…

The leading with clarity course will

help you develop a leadership practice that brings you peace of mind. 

You’ll know you’re working on the right things, in the right ways, for the right people, at the right time. 

Your focus and purpose will increase the joy you — and your team! — feel at work. 

We Know a Thing or Two About Building Impactful Teams

Carole Chabries, PhD

I've spent 25+ years leading teams: faculty and staff, across campus, and among institutions. 

I'm known for leading my own teams to achieve what looks impossible. My secret? Building relationships so strong that folks can do really hard things together and have fun doing it. The skills I use to lead teams are teachable and replicable. I love teaching folks how to apply and refine these skills for themselves.

All of this is part of our Inclusive Hiring workshop, which I’ve used in over a dozen searches for staff, faculty, and administrative leaders. I can’t wait to show your campus how easy and fun this can be.

Please note that facilitators may vary. We'll discuss your facilitator when you enroll. 

Inclusive HIRING

Overview of the curriculum

Inclusive Interviewing

Inclusive Onboarding

From asking the right kinds of questions, to knowing what not to ask, to understanding how to host an inclusive campus visit, we cover both the language and the intent of appropriate interview questions. We include guidance from the EEOC which can be combined with your institutional policies to help committees understand what constitutes discriminatory behavior.

The committee learns to read their own materials for examples of bias, and what to do and say instead. 

They will write more inclusive job profiles, position descriptions, and more. 

Reducing Biased Words & Actions

This doesn't replace your HR process.

Instead, it gives your committees a structured approach to the process so they make smart decisions ahead of time, , understand the sequence of events, and know what to do at each step to maintain their focus on inclusion. 

developing your campus process

Bias in hiring, mentoring, supervising, and promoting is long-standing and well-documented. We'll share the research and strategies for mitigating the biases that influence our choices despite our best intentions.

Truths about hiring bias

Onboarding is the bridge between the hiring and the new employee's first days. Even if onboarding isn't part of the committee's role, it's essential that your institution facilictates the hand-off between the search process and the employee's start.

Handing off to the hiring supervisor is the committee's last formal step.

Frequently Asked Questions

If we buy only the curriculum, how do we use it?

The content of the curriculum is not overly complicated; any of your campus facilitators can use it to lead training sessions. (Muliple people have taught it already.) It is delivered in digital form as guides, customizable templates, instructions, and slides.

Do you offer "train the trainer" sessions?


For a small additional fee we will train up to 10 people on your campus to facilitate the training. Those sessions are held virtually. Trainers are also welcome to attend workshops we host for your campus to learn through observing.

Do all search committees need the training?

It depends on your goals. If you want all searches to be inclusive, then everyone who serves on a commitee should experience the training. 

Depending on the outcome you want, you might choose to train a large portion of campus in a few settings; train search committees as they're convened; prioritize training for chairs of search committees; etc.  We can talk this through with you to help you develop a plan that suits your campus. 

Are the workshops live or virtual?

They can be either. The digital materials are easy to distribute to your colleagues no matter your workshop format. Many of the materials can easily be printed as well.

Do you update the materials?

Yes, and you can opt into any future updates, free of charge. 

When can we receive the curriculum?

Both the materials and our hosted workshops are available beginning December 1. 

Inclusive HIRING

Use our curriculum to find your terrific next colleagues.

Reserve your Spot Today

Leading With Clarity

We Can’t Wait to See You Inside!

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Not sure whether you want to buy the curriculum or have the workshops hosted? Let's find the best solution for your campus.

Email me OR
Schedule time on my calendar

When you're ready, secure your spot with a payment.

Request an invoice by email OR 
Pay now by credit card

Buy The Curriculum

When you're ready, secure your spot with a payment.

Request an invoice by email OR 
Pay now by credit card

Enroll In The Workshop

Explore Your Options

Let's Get Started


→ 8 Weeks of Content and Course Engagement

→ Weekly Group Sessions, Live With Carole

→ Additional Course Bonuses

Level 1

2 Monthly Payments




One-Time Payment



VIP Experience

Everything In Essentials PLUS

→ 8 Weeks of Small Group Coaching With Your VIP Cohort

→ 1-Hour Private Coaching Session With Carole

→ Private Text Messaging Group With VIP Cohort for Hands-On Feedback and Support

Level 2

2 Monthly Payments




One-Time Payment



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